Post 24

Boxes insinuating parcels: in the outside scene, Mr Tumness is seen holding an armful of parcels. To make these I used a flat piece of cardboard and within, cut out a net. I then put together the net and wrapped them in paper to make it look as though they are parcels

-A picture of an older faun: I found it hard to find a good picture of a faun but after looking on google images I came across this picture which was the most appropriate. the picture quality is quite low and therefore in the shot we will make sure that the photo isn't fully and is briefly shown on camera. 

A flute: in Mr Tumnus' house he begins to play a flute for Lucy which instigates her seeing the wonders of Narnia. Because of this, we will need a flute to show Mr Tumnus playing it in this scene. Luckily, one of the makers of the short film has a flute so we will use this to our advantage and use it in the scene rather than having to source or buy one.   

-Snow: we originally were going to use snow in the outside scenes, unfortunately this would've been hard to do as it would've been hard to make and as it was a public place it would've left a mess. because of these reasons we decided not to make snow. 

-lamp post: in the script, a lamppost is shown in Narnia. As this was a short production with limited time and resources we were unable to make a lamppost to resemble the famous lamppost in the original script.


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