Post 31

Narnia assessment Camera shots and angles 1.a Our scene from the Narnia script only had two setting; the forest and inside Mr Tumous’s house. The woods were a lot easier to film the house because there was a lot more space and a lot more angles we could film from, where as the house was filmed in my shed and was only good for 3-4 angles. We filmed the woodland scene in the morning ones the sun had risen so we had as much as the day to film the scenes we needed. Firstly, we started with shots where we followed Lucy, played by Izzy threw the woods and finally to the lampposts. Even though this was only 25 seconds of the video we used 3 camera shots, one following her and two from the side. After this we started to film with Mr Tumous. When filming with him we used even more angles and filmed more shots for example we filed one of the shots from above, this is because it meant that we could have both actors could be in shot and it made the passing of the parcels more affective....